This course will provide an overview of environmental laws in Nigeria and the regulatory authorities. It will also look at some key issues as emissions to air and water; waste; contaminated land and environmental issues in transactions.

The content of this course is as follows:

  1. Brief historical background to Environmental management in Nigeria
  2. Evolution of Environmental Regulations in Nigeria
  3. Environmental legislation and the regulatory authorities
  4. The National Policy on the Environment (NPE) of 1989, revised 1999 and 2016
  5. The Environment Impact Assessment (EIA) Act no 86 of 1992, revised in 2004-now Environmental Impact Assessment Act Cap E12, LFN 2004
  6. The National Guidelines and Standards for Environment Pollution Control in Nigeria of 1991,
  7. Harmful Waste (Special Criminal Provisions etc) Act (Cap H1 LFN 2004). 
  8. National Oil Spill, Detection and Response Agency (NOSDRA) Act 2006. This law puts in place machinery for the co-ordination and implementation of the National Oil Spill Contingency Plan for Nigeria.
  9. The National Effluents Limitations Regulation, 
  10. The National Environmental Protection (NEP) Pollution abatement in Industries and Facilities Generating Waste Regulations
  11. The National Environmental Standards and Regulations Enforcement Agency (NESREA) Act 2007 
  12. Methods used in regulatory enforcement Nigeria’s Challenges in Environmental

Learning Outcome: the students will be familiar with the legal framework in the environment and will be able to review and apply them in ESIA study.